Join me in supporting cities, counties, and villages across Illinois in banding together to tell Illinois lawmakers to #InvestInCommunities by restoring local funds to local governments so they can invest in infrastructure, public safety and community services:
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I want my tax dollars to be used to fund critical investments in my community, not sitting in the State’s bank account. Click here to join me in telling Illinois lawmakers to #InvestInCommunities and restore local funding:
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If Illinois lawmakers choose to #InvestInCommunities and restore local funds, then cities, counties, and villages across Illinois can reduce the pressure on property taxes & other revenue sources to fund critical projects and community services. Learn more: #InvestInCommunities
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Why am I supporting #InvestInCommunities? I want state lawmakers to restore local funding so municipalities and counties can grow public safety pension obligations. Join me and take action:

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Why am I supporting #InvestInCommunities? I want the General Assembly to restore local funding so municipalities and counties can make improvements in critical infrastructure, like replacing lead pipes supplying water. Join me and take action:
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Why am I supporting #InvestInCommunities? I want state lawmakers to restore local funding so municipalities and counties can make improvements in critical infrastructure, like roads and sidewalks. Join me and take action:
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Why am I supporting #InvestmentInCommunities? I want Illinois lawmakers to restore local funding so municipalities and counties are able to fund the services we rely on every day, everything from public safety to snow removal. Join me and take action:
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Contact Your Legislators

If you're interested in advocating your community, reaching out to your State legislators can be a powerful way to make your voice heard. You can then reach out to them via email, phone, or social media to express your concerns and make your case for the community. Remember, the more engaged citizens are in the political process, the more responsive and effective government can be.

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